Thursday, April 24, 2008

Medical Transcription, eBay and Life in General!

What a day. I had it all planned out to perfection. Silly me!

My plan was to set up a small blog about training to be a medical transcription secretary - I used to work in a hospital and for the first few weeks was completely at sea when it came to the medical terminology. So, it makes great sense to me to take a dedicated training course to learn the ins and outs of the business. .... and that's just in the UK. Knowing that other countries have many layers of requirements for medical and insurance claims, I suspect that getting a good training in the business of medical secretarial work is absolutely essential.

Have I written this blog yet?? Well no - because I then got involved in my sister's problems with eBay. Not a problem, really, because she successfully bought a kitchen
- and needed to pay for it. That's when she ran into the PayPal obstacle course. It's just that the paypal monthly/annual payment limited were exceeded by the amount she paid for the kitchen - so she instantly had to learn about getting her paypal account verified. It's all done now, but boy did it take some effort. Why so - well, clever as she is, my sister gets excited and flustered when hitting a problem like this; her recourse is to phone me and get me to talk her through the process. Fine, not a problem, I'm keen to help. It just takes time!

Anyway, we're making progress and all I have to do now is get my life on track :) - bake some cookies (Empire Biscuits, if you really want to know!), write another blog post, take a picture of the beautiful cherry blossom in Helensburgh - oh, and I should really put on a washing, hang up a washing - and more!

ps, thanks to for the image .... great site with some amazing pics.