Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I know what I want for Christmas - Warm Slippers and a Warm Cuddly toy

I know, it's the middle of the summer here in the UK, and I can't believe I'm actually talking about winter. Well, someone the other day started talking about Christmas and said they had started seeing Christmas gifts in the shops. Wow!

Anyway, I was surfing around and came across a site which has some cute microwavable toys and some amazing slippers which can also be popped in the microwave to heat them up. How cool is that. Make mine pink!

My niece is about to have her first baby and I'm no longer worried about finding her some gifts for her. She's going to be pacing the floor quite a bit in this first year and I'm sure she'll love these cosy slippers. There's also a great selection of microwavable toys which will keep me in good ideas for the baby as he/she grows up and needs encouragement to head for bed!

A brilliant site! Find your own Microwavable Toys here.

ps - I just spotted some cushions which can also be heated .... brilliant! Mu husband gets a really sore back and that's just the way to give him some heated support. Come to think of it, we've got a friend who fell and hurt herself and a heated cushion would be just the thing.

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