Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today has been quite surreal

Today has been a day of extreme contrasts. It started well enough with the news that I have another contract for a web site, as well as a good online sale in my Scottish Gifts web site. There are a couple more web enquiries outstanding, so hopefully they will also come to fruition.

However, in some respects, the day went downhill from there. One of our friends came in to the shop for lunch and told us that her best friend had had an accident while entering the local bus. So our friend ended up arranging medical care, transport, etc instead of travelling to Glasgow for a nice day out. When she arrived at the coffee shop, she was white and drawn; it took a wee while for her to recover her composure.

Then later on, a group of four people arrived for coffees - and gave us the news that a regular customer had died in her sleep last weekend - and that the funeral had already taken place. We were numb, because the lady had lunched with us just a couple of days before her death.

The day was "topped off" by being told that another customer had died of mesothelioma almost a year ago. His widow said that there had been no indication of it until he had an accident and at that stage, there was no possibility of effective treatment.

We're going home shortly and are going to say silent prayers for the friends we have lost, the friends we still have - and for all the relatives and friends left behind.


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