Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

My mini challenge - 100 members before the end of December

When is a web ring not just a web ring ???

.... well, when it's called Blogrush, it's a web ring on STEROIDS!

When you look at Blogrush model, you'll see that, although there are a variety of sophisticated tweaks to this, actually what John Reese created was a web ring. It's not pulling in the titles of sites, just the RSS feeds from new posts; they are shown on related web sites using a small code widget that you place into a web template; where it gets a little trickier is that it's a bit of a pyramid in that early adopters recruiting new members get the benefit of huge downlines. It also suggests that the last folks may have a much harder time getting traffic as all they're doing is adding fodder to the early recruits.

So, What does that tell you?

Well, firstly that the model of web rings hasn't died and gone to Net Heaven! It looks like they may well be valid methods of creating back links, spider fodder and web traffic.

So, you're invited to join my new web ring at The Marketing Web Ring - and we'll give this a good test! You're welcome to add sites, old and new - heck this code even goes into a Squidoo lens quite happily. No porn, racist, illegal, dubious sites will be accepted.

So what's my challenge, you might ask?

Well, I'd like to get 100 sites into this web ring by 1 January 2008. That doesn't seem like too big a mountain to climb!

If you'd like to help me get there and test out this theory, please join.

You have to register for an account, then, once you activate it from the email sent to you, you get the opportunity to add a site to the ring. I approve the site - and that's it, really.

I look forward to seeing you there.